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Broadcast Texting for Contractors
Deliver your message INSTANTLY to targeted customers and team members.
question mark icon

WHY BROADCAST TEXTING? Contractors who use Broadcast Texting report 800% higher engagement rates via text communications compared to email and can generate 4x more sales of products promoted with mobile.


to get in touch with customers than phone calls


your speed of service and reduce wait times


your business and save time with text and picture orders


manage and achieve mobile numbers and text communications


Your marketing communication team can create, schedule and target personalized text and picture based messages to targeted groups and data-driven segments.

You’ll received a dedicated number for your Broadcast Texting program as well as unique keywords to direct your messages to opt-in customers and employees.

You can also program messages to automatically trigger based on weather events in targeted geographic locations.

broadcast text messaging

A few ways our contractors use Broadcast Texting:


branch announcements

Company Announcements

special events

Special Events

promotional offers

Promotional Offers

weather based notifications

Weather Based Notfications


dispatching icon


Price Changes

Manufacturer Incentives

order parts icon

Warranty Updates

frequently asked questions image Moblico

How do people sign up?

You will get a dedicated toll free number and keywords to share with your customers and team. People who text the toll free number will be automatically added to your list on Moblico’s website.

Can I upload a customer list?

Yes, you can upload permission based lists into your marketing portal in just minutes.

How can I monetize texting?

Many manufacturers offer CO- OP funds to help monetize your marketing activities including Broadcast Texting.

It’s time to improve marketing communications with Broadcast Texting!

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