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Commentary: We’re Looking for Exemplary Women in Distribution


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On a recent Friday afternoon, we did a soft launch of MDM’s newest industry recognition award, Women in Distribution. By the following Monday afternoon, we’d already received nearly three dozen responses! I’m thrilled with the turnout so far and see it as an indication that there is a growing hunger to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of women who are advancing this billion-dollar market.

As our simple nomination form says, the brand-new awards program recognizes the exceptional job performance and overall industry influence of women in this traditionally male-dominated field. The awards will showcase successful leaders who demonstrate excellence, all while breaking barriers and championing other women toward success.

Whether a rising leader or a veteran executive, the MDM Women in Distribution award winners will represent a source of inspiration for their colleagues and peers, and signify a deep well of go-to distribution knowledge. Accordingly, we will also be inviting several of the winners to participate in an interactive discussion panel during MDM’s next virtual event, The Future of Distribution Summit.

The Future of Distribution is Now

Also new to MDM’s lineup this year, the Summit will be taking place online throughout the day on Thursday, April 13.

It will explore three sectors of COVID-19-driven changes to the distribution workplace:

  1. New distribution business models,
  2. Productivity and the new workplace,
  3. Talent development through recruiting and retention.

I don’t need to tell you that the pandemic has distributors rethinking go-to-market strategies, what it means to work productively and effectively, and reevaluating the characteristics that create long-term success for customers and stakeholders.

Make a note to join us April 13 as we explore the answers to these questions and provide you with real-life examples of how leaders are executing on fundamental changes to the distribution business model and workplace. You will leave the Summit with new KPIs for talent, organizational structure and operational excellence.

And, for the chance to hear the perspective of one of your favorite leading women in the field as part of the Summit, I strongly encourage you to nominate a colleague (or yourself!) for the MDM Women in Distribution awards by the deadline of Friday, March 19. You can fill out our quick entry form by visiting here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly at

Lastly, in keeping with the future-focused theme, be sure to check out my conversation in this issue of Premium with Curbell Plastics’ Mark Shriver. The 40-year distribution industry veteran explains how Curbell, as a leading plastics distributor, is able to maintain its ongoing environmental sustainability practices so that they are reducing the company’s environmental footprint while also promoting business-friendly growth and development practices.

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The post Commentary: We’re Looking for Exemplary Women in Distribution appeared first on Modern Distribution Management.

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